Sunday 12 August 2012

Hello and Welcome.....

Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the new Pink Gem Designs Inspiration Blog...We have set up this blog to hopefully give you lots of ideas and inspiration...

You may already be a follower of our A Gem of a Challenge Blog. If not be sure to check it out at There's a new challenge every fortnight with prizes and we would love for you to be a follower and join in with us.....

To kick off our new inspiration blog we are offering some fabulous candy ......

 If you would like to win these gorgeous stamp sets..then all you need to do is the following...

become a follower of this blog,

take the badge  below add it to your sidebar with a link back here,

 add your name to inlinkz below and keep your fingers crossed....

We will be checking to make sure your a follower,if not a new winner will be drawn..

If you don't have a blog that's fine just become a follower and then leave your name with Inlinkz skipping the URL bit...

The winner of the candy will be drawn by Random Org on Monday 20th August and announced on here on Tuesday 21st August.....

Mandy  & The Team


Sonia said...

Good Luck for your new challenge blog^_^
I'm very happy to be the first to leave a comment:)I love your bunner,I love pink:)
Thanks a lot for the chance to win fabulous candy:)
Big hug,

Sandra H said...

Hi Janet, Oh wow this looks amazing and great that there are to be challenges every fortnight should be fun and your new banner is lovely l'm one of your new followers and good luck with this new blog and a chance to take part in your amazing candy win too! xx

Lorraine said...

hi huni this blog is looking fabtastic sweetie i can't wait to see all of your gorgeous projects and ideas ive been a follower of yours for a while now years in fact and i love your work.Thanks for the chance of winning this fab prize i would so love to win so fingers crossed xx

Christine Harrop said...

I've been a fan of Pink Gem Designs and now am a very new blogger. This sounds great. Have not yet plucked up the courage to enter a challenge but you never know ..... Thanks for the chance to win!

Kathyk said...

Taken your badge, signed up as a follower, posted your blog candy in my side bar too - hoping to be lucky now!!!

Thanks for the opportunity


Stamps and Paper said...

I am a follower and will pop your badge on my blog..thanks for giving us a chance to win the fabulous stamps


Sue said...

Sounds like fun, I am following and have added your picture to my sidebar


Betty Benton said...

Sweet stamps! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win such super stamps and will look forwards to the challenges you are in my sidebar Hugs Elaine

Lady E said...

Thank you for gorgeous candy!

Tonya said...

I can't wait to see all of the fabulous creations. I will definitely spread the word. Thanks for the chance to win these awesome goodies. Good luck with the new blog. :o)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win yet more fantastic stamps and it's being announced on my 40th Birthday xx have added link but it's not done it right xx

Janette said...

Oh this looks very interesting and that candy looks really fabulous, thanks for a chance to win, am off to link up with my blog, have joined your followers but hasn't showed up as yet.xx

Nikki said...

Fantastic Candy thanks for the chance I've linked you all up to spread the word :)
hugs Nikki C

Liz McGuire, said...

Follower - tick, badge on sidebar - tick, everything crossed - tick.

I hope I'm lucky those stamps look fab, thanks for the chance to win,

Liz x

Tina said...

yay im # 60....amazing giveaway thank you for the hcance to win...amazing blog to cant wait to see all the creations

Anne-Marie said...

All done.....crossing fingers, and thanks for the chance!

Sarah said...

Good luck with the new blog, many thanks for the chance to win the yummy goodies xxx

BethieJ said...

Thanks for the chance to win!! I am a follower now, got your badge on my side bar.. and fingers are crossed! :)
Have a GREAT day!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win... am looking forward to following and all your lovely inspiration!
Kim M

Doreen said...

My fingers are

Barbara said...

Looking forward to your upcoming challenges. I am a new follower: #82 and I have posted your badge on my sidebar. Anyone of us would be delighted to win your blog candy. Best of luck in your new endeavor.

Rhonda Miller said...

Thanks for a chance to win. I'm excited for the challenges.

Karen P said...

Looking forward to seeing all the inspiration from your DT. Have posted the badge and a link in my side bar. Off to check out your challenge blog next! hugs Karen

P.S. you might want to remove that awful gizmo where you have to type numbers and letters - it drives me and many others nuts!

Denise Goeldner said...

So glad to be part of your wonderful blog, nothing like looking at wonderful creations to help get our own flow going. Thanks for the chance to win some candy, have become follower added link to my side bar and definetly joined challenge blog just so glad to be part of it, Well done Hugs Denise xx

Janet - aka stacky said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win this lovely candy can't wait to join in with the challenges, good luck wishing you lots of success xx

Marjorie said...

Thank you for a chance to win some beautiful stamps...We all need inspiration sometimes and this is a fabulous way of getting your mojo working again lol!!! I'm sure I will be visiting often lol!!

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the chance at this wonderful candy! Love your new inspiration blog!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Good luck with the new inspiration blog. fingers crossed for the chance to win this great candy, lou x

Laine Kammeraad said...

So glad to have found your blog and shop. You have such adorable stuff. Thanks for having such a great give away. Good luck to everyone.

With hugs and smiles


Megan Chamberlin said...

What a great opportunity!! I am also a newer blogger, though I've been following Pink Gem for some time, and am excited to follow this one! Perhaps, though, being new, I am missing a step - I don't see a code for the badge to add it to my site?

Moshie said...

I am really excited about an inspiration blog. Your DT is so talented and I can hardly wait to see all the wonderful creations! Congrats on starting and new blog and thank you so much from one who needs inspired. hugs

Laine said...

Wow fabulous idea an Inspiration Blog. Thank you for the chance to win the lovely Candy.